Tag Archives: planning

The Plan

I’ve had quite a few new visitors in the past few days (hi guys!) and also some comments and feedback that I’ve been mulling over. A few people have asked what the points are all about. Well, it was basically my way of trying to motivate myself, for some reason I thought I’d be much more motivated this way. I’m sure I can’t be the only one. Look at the Sims, for example. People the world over are rivetted by these games where all they really do is lead a virtual person’s life on the screen (and mostly just the really dull bits) and yet are happy to waste hours this way, for what? XP, Simoleons, whatever… I thought if that can be motivating then why not use it to sort my own real life out? Just a thought…

Anyway, the long term plan is to get this whole thing set up. Obviously I need to get the system straight and there will be 101 steps to get it right before it should become total easy-going habit. I’m trying to develop an app that will combine all the different aspects of this system – scheduling, routine, goals, setup, inbox and of course the all-important points and trophies. One day, hopefully!

So if you want the plan, it’s the gamification of real life!

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