Step 2 : The Notebook

Well, hopefully you had some good sleep last night and have a maximum 30 points so far on this little quest (I slipped up slightly getting up this morning, but have 25 points to my name, yay me!).  Time for today’s mission:

Setup Mission 2 : Start your notebook
Completion Points : 10
Hopefully this one should be pretty easy:

  • Beg, borrow (on a kind of permanent basis), steal or buy a notebook.
  • Turn to the first page and write yesterday’s date at the top (or whichever day was your “day 1”).

For each day from that first one until forever (hopefully), complete the following steps:

  1. Write down your points total at the start of the day underneath the date.
  2. Write down any tasks/missions started (and hopefully completed) in a list, along with any points earned for them during the day.
  3. At the very bottom of the page, write down your points total at the end of the day.

Now, this doesn’t have to be a notebook, as long as it’s loosely some collection of sheets that you’ll be happy filling in each day and can be kept relatively accessible.  I’m actually going to have an electronic version on my tablet as this is the easiest way for me to keep track of everything, but make your notebook your own.

As we go through, there will be loads more things the notebook gets used for, but for now use it as described above.

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